Thursday, May 24, 2007
+ some updates on this week=D
so i've found some pics that i don't believe i've every posted, cause 1) i'm too lazy to, 2) they're in really trickling numbers so it felt weird to sync my cam and upload just 2 pics. so here they are, the missing pieces of my life!! if you're patient enough to scroll through all the randomness, you'll get to the proper updates=D
how my table looked like back when i was teaching at dunearn=/ damn messy=/
under the table too=/
got bored while waiting for the salesgirl who took forever to get a new piece=/
a really cool drawing displayed at the esplanade! all drawn in a single line.
had a 3G call with yuan and took some random pics=D
MY BROTHER!!!! he who survived 16 years of me!
haha plain random shot.
someone tell the girl she's a beauty! she doesn't believe me when i say so!
haha my dearest eunice <3
Dog at matthew's place. was playing with her before and after cell group meeting=D so adorable! she has 3 names!
blackie (which i like best), laureline (which i think is ridiculous), and lucky (which i think is a mismatching name) =D
cause she's all black, it's really hard to take her! she's like a shadow on camera!
DESIREE!!!! =D was helping out with NAPFA at dunearn past 3 days, sit & reach, sit ups, and broad jumps=D haha damn fun. and we played bball through during the breaks=)
jiaying from 2n2.
enqi from 2n2 too=) retarded expression!
so i was having tuition with my brother when desiree kept slipping these drawings under the crack of the door that sent my brother bursting into peals of laughter, roaring and exclaiming while rolling off his chair.
this is pretty
this comically resembles my parents accurately! cept that dad doesn't have half that much hair!
that black thing apparently is my brother's head. he was really upset she drew his hair too long=/
this was the final catch that sent my brother off. yes, apparent;y that's yours sincerely- ME. =S
what's with the 2 ponytails?! and the black flat thing as hair?
and this, i suppose, is rapunzel.
went to visit leg-broken sinwei. haha and took pics i could blackmail him with, which i will not post yet=D
weird people=/
oh yup and went to have sakae with yuan ytd too! =D
haha my lil boy=D
bought him the balloon! =D haha my most adorable vitamin D =)
tdy, his first day at work at vivo, so i went to visit! =D
+, i had trng at the bear shop!! =D oh man i'm so loving this new job, i can't wait to start! =D people there are so warm and nice, and the entire atmosphere is bright and cheery=D
me and kristen with some shots=)
the shop!
the bears!
i likt this one!
sleeping beauty!
buzz lightyear!
to eternity, and beyond!!
kaela @
11:07:00 PM
Monday, May 21, 2007
haha presenting eunice with shrek ears!! =D she actally wore them from je to expo! =D haha svc was great as always, as was prayer meeting. feel kinda relieved the booklets were well-received=/ was kinda worried and all at first...
met jeffrey after at bb=D ate at pastamania and headed to lot 1=D caught blades of glory=D EXTREMELY HILARIOUS! =D
us posing with silverman
haha ns has done him good!
happy feet=D
and.... my birthday present from him!!! =D awesome compilation of my fave worship songs, esp songs i sung in pri sch!! that i can nvr find alr=D
thanks jeff!! =D
kaela @
12:08:00 AM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
bah been so extremely busy tdy, hands flying over mobile, churning out text msges at supersonic speed. yup, busy arranging tuition and all the what nots=) and i got news of my trng at BABW. and i went searching for science and math materials for tuition. and i sourced for a gift for jeff's belated bday. and... i spent some quality time (FINALLY!!) with my beloved and most dearest friend=D
initially i wanted to go for svc, but after being stood up for tuition, and all the housework, there simply wasn't enough time for me to do all of the above, spend quality time and make it for svc. so i went online, and hey presto, praise teh Lord, i can go back to catch the svc there soon when it's uploaded=) phew. can't wait for svc tmr though, don't want to miss out on that move from God. =)
so we went to catch a movie -Next, starring Nicholas cage! =D was pretty okay, 3.5 stars=) the plot was quite fresh, just that it doesn't leave a very lasting impact on you unlike pirates or harry potter=) went to scour NUM all around while he show-offed all the stuff he got FREE from there, cause he's a new NUM AMBASSADOR. haha so cute. will see my yuan strutting around in NUM soon=)
did more idle shopping, got jeff's present, and plus! a mini plant that lives and breathes in a miniscule bottle=D. dad's always been a fan of greens=) so he loved it just great=)
more slacked shopping, and we chilled at NYDC with an earl grey cooler and onion rings=) and took loads of pics=D
silly face!
megawatt smiles!
poke holes in his face=D
my fave earl grey cooler plus onion rings!
haha oh and there was some freak show gg on outside=) took a few blurry pics of the models=D
and a really cool band that played outside taka=D
met with qiu and jc for dinner, had tori q=D little more idle shopping, and off home. simple, relaxed day=D oh ya. got the materials i needed too! haha i really missed spending this kinda quality time=D it's becoming a luxury now, that i feel i have to indulge in completely cause i don't know when i'll get the chance to again...
i'm glad to be occupied once again=D busy week coming up! tuition and more tuition, and BABW trng!! =D
takecare, takeheart! <3
kaela @
11:18:00 PM